
Small Group Supervision for Senior Students

Our goal is to create the next layer of "infrastructure" support to ERJ senior students and politicized somatics students looking to deepen their work. Two ERJ teachers will provide provide participants with continued ERJ racial justice somatics support and supervision.

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Tuesday Weekly Practice Space

Virtual practice sessions are an opportunity to support your practice and deepen your somatic commitments in community. We are building this community of practice as a commitment to build communities of anti-racist people who can support each other and racial justice movements locally, nationally, and internationally.

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to Apr 6

Opening to Freedom: Embodied Facilitation for White Folks in Racial Justice Movements

Pacific Northwest
This course combines neuroscience, physical movement, song, connection to nature as well as practical and theoretical grounding materials into a unique curriculum specialized for organizers, coaches, facilitators, trainers, and others focused on change-making.

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Tuesday Weekly Practice Space

Virtual practice sessions are an opportunity to support your practice and deepen your somatic commitments in community. We are building this community of practice as a commitment to build communities of anti-racist people who can support each other and racial justice movements locally, nationally, and internationally.

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to May 11

Embodying Racial Justice Level I

Watershed Center, Millerton, NY
This in-person, interactive course will build your capacity, embodiment and understanding of yourself inside of liberation movements in the US at this time. Participants will explore the role our bodies, the land, and our lineage(s) play in building a different future and world. Courses typically infuse a combination of neuroscience, physical movement, song, connection to nature as well as practical and theoretical grounding materials into a unique curriculum customized for changemakers.

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Embodying Racial Justice Intro Course - Multiracial

Asheville, North Carolina
This in-person, interactive course will build your capacity, embodiment and understanding of yourself inside of liberation movements in the US at this time. Participants will explore the role our bodies, the land, and our lineage(s) play in building a different future and world. Courses typically infuse a combination of neuroscience, physical movement, song, connection to nature as well as practical and theoretical grounding materials into a unique curriculum customized for changemakers.

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to Jun 1

Opening to Freedom: Embodied Facilitation for White Folks in Racial Justice Movements

  • Pacific Northwest United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Pacific Northwest
This course combines neuroscience, physical movement, song, connection to nature as well as practical and theoretical grounding materials into a unique curriculum specialized for organizers, coaches, facilitators, trainers, and others focused on change-making.

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to Aug 10

Opening to Freedom: Embodied Facilitation for White Folks in Racial Justice Movements

  • Pacific Northwest United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Pacific Northwest
This course combines neuroscience, physical movement, song, connection to nature as well as practical and theoretical grounding materials into a unique curriculum specialized for organizers, coaches, facilitators, trainers, and others focused on change-making.

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to Sep 14

Embodying Racial Justice Level I - White

Mid Atlantic
This in-person, interactive course will build your capacity, embodiment and understanding of yourself inside of liberation movements in the US at this time. Participants will explore the role our bodies, the land, and our lineage(s) play in building a different future and world. Courses typically infuse a combination of neuroscience, physical movement, song, connection to nature as well as practical and theoretical grounding materials into a unique curriculum customized for changemakers.

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to Oct 26

Embodying Racial Justice Level I - All

Asheville, North Carolina
This in-person, interactive course will build your capacity, embodiment and understanding of yourself inside of liberation movements in the US at this time. Participants will explore the role our bodies, the land, and our lineage(s) play in building a different future and world. Courses typically infuse a combination of neuroscience, physical movement, song, connection to nature as well as practical and theoretical grounding materials into a unique curriculum customized for changemakers.

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to Nov 9

Embodying Racial Justice Level I - White

Nashville, Tennessee
This in-person, interactive course will build your capacity, embodiment and understanding of yourself inside of liberation movements in the US at this time. Participants will explore the role our bodies, the land, and our lineage(s) play in building a different future and world. Courses typically infuse a combination of neuroscience, physical movement, song, connection to nature as well as practical and theoretical grounding materials into a unique curriculum customized for changemakers.

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Opening to Freedom: Embodied Facilitation for White Folks in Racial Justice Movements

Pacific Northwest
This course combines neuroscience, physical movement, song, connection to nature as well as practical and theoretical grounding materials into a unique curriculum specialized for organizers, coaches, facilitators, trainers, and others focused on change-making.

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Tuesday Weekly Practice Space

Virtual practice sessions are an opportunity to support your practice and deepen your somatic commitments in community. We are building this community of practice as a commitment to build communities of anti-racist people who can support each other and racial justice movements locally, nationally, and internationally.

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Virtual Workshop: Practicing to Meet the First 100 Days

Virtual practice sessions are an opportunity to support your practice and deepen your somatic commitments in community. We are building this community of practice as a commitment to build communities of anti-racist people who can support each other and racial justice movements locally, nationally, and internationally.

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to Feb 2

Embodying Racial Justice Level I - White

Seattle, Washington
This in-person, interactive course will build your capacity, embodiment and understanding of yourself inside of liberation movements in the US at this time. Participants will explore the role our bodies, the land, and our lineage(s) play in building a different future and world. Courses typically infuse a combination of neuroscience, physical movement, song, connection to nature as well as practical and theoretical grounding materials into a unique curriculum customized for changemakers.

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to Nov 24

In-Person and Online: Practicing Hope - An Embodied, Heart-Based Retreat

Many of us are engaged with the world as activists or organizers. But even if you don’t identify that way, you probably deeply care about the world and want to change it. For those of us with a regular meditation or embodiment practice, we might wonder how we can align the tools we use to find ease, ground, refresh, and stay connected with our most deeply-held values. Without learning how to align our practice with our beliefs, it can start to feel like escapism. But how do we move forward?

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Free ERJ Post Election Virtual Workshop

Please join us for connection and practice. We hope to continue to support our community after the election, even as we may not know the outcomes. No prior somatic experience is necessary. Please feel free to share this registration link with your people. We will gather at 1 pt / 2 mt / 3 ct / 4 et for 90 minutes.

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